What is Marketglory?
It’s a browser based strategy game, where in-game earnings can be converted to real money. The system is very similar to what is used in “Anno 1777”, which is discussed more in depth over in this article. But I found Marketglory to have an interface that is much easier to understand and navigate. This is in my opinion the best online browser-game that can generate real cash, which is why I dedicated a whole article to it. Even though it isn’t any kind of beta testing, I still think it’s a great and fun way to make some extra cash online.
How does it work?
There are several ways to earn money in this game. But basically, the reward from almost every activity is determined by energy, and productivity levels. Energy is gained from different factors like food, clothing etc. Experience increases from working, and knowledge builds from reading books. These three variables are then used to calculate productivity. This might sound complicated, but it really isn’t when you see it for yourselves. Based on energy and productivity levels, a reward is given from working, fighting and doing other activities in game. When you started to get a hang of the game and how it works, you have the opportunity to start your own company in a wide range of different areas and compete with other players. If you want to dig in even deeper, there are many additional features, one example is the possibility of buying stocks, participating in wars, or challenging other players in the arena. The creators of this game have also made one that is played like a football (soccer) manager, which I haven’t tried out myself, mainly because I have very limited knowledge about the sport.
I would suggest starting out by just working once every day (which is the maximum limit), fighting 10 times each day and buying dairy from the local market before doing this, to maximize profit. Reading a few articles between fights can also be a good idea, because this also restores energy levels. But there are different ways to go about it, and this is just my own preference. Try out what works for you and let me know what you think over here on the contact form.
If you want to try it out, just click the link below:
Marketglory (referral link)
Marketglory (non-referral link)

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